The WORLD’s ONLY “all in one” PERFECT SUPPLEMENT combining Norwegian Fish and Cod Liver Oils in order to supply the PERFECT amounts of EPA, DPA, and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids and the PERFECT synergistic amounts of Vitamins A and D.
Each 8 Capsules (Daily Adult Requirement of 2 Servings) Delivers:
*For Best results Daily Intake Should be Based on Body Weight (2 capsules/40 pounds)
Great tasting 100% Natural Lemon Flavor
Natural Triglyceride Form (NO Ethyl Esters!)
Pharmaceutical Grade - Third Party Tested Contaminant and Oxidation-Free
Essential Nutrients for Everybody-Everyday-For Life!
Amount: 2 capsules per 40 lbs/18 kgs of body weight
Adults: (e.g. 160 lb adult: 8 capsules/day; 200 lb adult: 10 capsules/day)
Children: (e.g. 40 lb child: 2 capsules/day; 80 lb child: 4 capsules/day)
Capsules do not need to be refrigerated. Store away from direct sunlight.
OmegaA+D Sufficiency™ provides perfectly sufficient amounts and the perfect ratio of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DPA, DHA) and naturally occurring vitamin D3 and vitamin A from Norwegian fish and cod liver oils. OmegaA+D Sufficiency™ is the perfect synergistic combination of essential nutrients for maximizing epigenetic expression of recovery, wellness, prevention, and performance. OmegA+D Sufficiency™ is also infused with 100% natural lemon flavor and it tastes great.