Technical Specs
•Available in AR15, AR10 and 9mm
•AR15 buffers available in either lite or heavy
•AR10 and 9mm buffers only available in heavy
•Lite Buffer made from aluminum
•Heavy Buffer made from stainless steel
•Weights included for different weight combinations
-AR15 comes with 3 aluminum, 3 stainless steel and 1 tungsten weights (Lite: 2.1oz - 4.2oz, Heavy: 3.7oz - 5.8oz)
-AR10 comes with 1 aluminum, 1 stainless steel and 1 tungsten weights (3.45oz - 4.65oz)
-9mm comes with 1 aluminum, 1 stainless steel and 3 tungsten weights (5.4oz - 7.4oz)